Ghost Sites of the Web

Web 1.0 history, forgotten web celebrities, old web sites, commentary, and news by Steve Baldwin. Published erratically since 1996.

July 02, 2007

Ghost Sites Museum Undergoes Minor Rebranding

I have rebranded Ghost Sites' dead dotcom screenshot archive as "The Museum of Interactive Failure." I've change the name because too many people thought the Museum was an exhibit of short circuits, whereas it's actually about Web 1.0, Dotcom business history, and Cyberculture. So "MEF" becomes "MIF" with this issue. Enjoy!

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April 10, 2007

The Banner Ad Museum is Dead

The Banner Ad Museum is Dead I wrote about The Banner Ad Museum back in 2004, praising it for deploying a large, well-organized gallery of old banner advertisements which illustrate the early years of Web-based Hucksterism (1994-2000). Sadly, the Museum is now closed: the domain leads nowhere.

Fortunately, you can still experience the joys of yesterday's defunct banner ads at the Internet Archive, which has done a first-rate job of preserving even the rich-media enabled banner ads which the Banner Ad Museum had on display. If you're involved in Internet-based advertising, or care about Web History, it's a must-see exhibit!

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